Mae Ysgol Rhydypennau yn darparu amgylchedd ddysgu hapus ac uchelgeisiol i blant ardal Rhydypennau, Pen-y-garn a dalgylch ehangach Bow Street. Ein bwriad ydy meithrin unigolion iach a hyderus, sy’n tyfu’n ddysgwyr annibynnol a chreadigol, chwilfrydig ac egwyddorol. Mae ein disgyblion yn ymfalchïo yn eu Cymreictod, yn falch o’u gwreiddiau ac yn parchu gwahaniaethau.
Trwy ein cwricwlwm, rydym yn darparu profiadau sy’n datblygu hyder, gwytnwch a dyfalbarhad disgyblion; a rhoi iddynt lwyfan sy’n caniatáu iddynt ffynnu mewn amgylchedd heriol ond empathetig.
Ysgol Rhydypennau provides a happy and ambitious learning environment to the children of Rhydypennau, Pen-y-garn and the wider catchment area of Bow Street. Our aim is to nurture healthy and confident individuals, allowing pupils to develop as independent, creative, inquisitive and ethical learners. Our pupils take pride in their Welshness, are proud of their roots and respect differences.
Through our curriculum, we provide experiences that fosters pupils’ confidence, resilience and perseverance; offering a platform that allows children to thrive in a challenging yet empathetic environment.
Mae Ysgol Rhydypennau yn darparu amgylchedd ddysgu hapus ac uchelgeisiol i blant ardal Rhydypennau, Pen-y-garn a dalgylch ehangach Bow Street. Ein bwriad ydy meithrin unigolion iach a hyderus, sy’n tyfu’n ddysgwyr annibynnol a chreadigol, chwilfrydig ac egwyddorol. Mae ein disgyblion yn ymfalchïo yn eu Cymreictod, yn falch o’u gwreiddiau ac yn parchu gwahaniaethau.
Trwy ein cwricwlwm, rydym yn darparu profiadau sy’n datblygu hyder, gwytnwch a dyfalbarhad disgyblion; a rhoi iddynt lwyfan sy’n caniatáu iddynt ffynnu mewn amgylchedd heriol ond empathetig.
Ysgol Rhydypennau provides a happy and ambitious learning environment to the children of Rhydypennau, Pen-y-garn and the wider catchment area of Bow Street. Our aim is to nurture healthy and confident individuals, allowing pupils to develop as independent, creative, inquisitive and ethical learners. Our pupils take pride in their Welshness, are proud of their roots and respect differences.
Through our curriculum, we provide experiences that fosters pupils’ confidence, resilience and perseverance; offering a platform that allows children to thrive in a challenging yet empathetic environment.
Gwybodaeth i Rieni / Information for Parents
Dolen ddefnyddiol / Useful link:
Cenhadaeth Ysgol Gymunedol Rhydypennau yw darparu profiadau addysgol o ansawdd uchel bydd yn sicrhau bod yr holl ddisgyblion yn elwa o gyfleoedd pwrpasol i wireddu eu llawn botensial. Mae’r iaith Gymraeg yn ganolog i’r weledigaeth hon, a rhoddir pwyslais ar ddatblygiad medrau ieithyddol pob un. Er mwyn gwireddu hyn, mae’r ysgol, trwy ei waith beunyddiol, yn rhoi sylw manwl i adeiladu hunanhyder disgyblion sy’n caniatâi iddynt ddatblygu’n unigolion hyderus sy’n fodlon mentro.
Credwn fod ethos cynhwysol a darparu cyfleoedd cyfartal i bawb yn bwysig. Rydym yn angerddol ynglŷn â sicrhau bod pob unigolyn yn teimlo’n hapus a diogel yn yr ysgol, wedi ei werthfawrogi, ac yn rhydd rhag unrhyw ragfarn. Trwy ein gwaith, rydym yn hyrwyddo dulliau ‘person canolog’ sy’n effeithiol wrth baratoi dysgwyr i gofleidio heriau’r dyfodol ac sy’n sicrhau bod anghenion ac uchelgais pob disgybl wrth wraidd ein cynllunio.
Fel ysgol gymunedol, rydym yn darparu cyfleoedd i’r disgyblion wneud cysylltiadau adeiladol â’r gymuned, gan bwysleisio manteision ac effaith cadarnhaol cyfrannu’n bositif i fywyd cymunedol yr ardal fel dinasyddion da ac egwyddorol.
Trwy ein cwricwlwm, bydd Ysgol Rhydypennau yn darparu profiadau dysgu cydlynus, gyda phrosesau asesu miniog ar waith sy’n sicrhau fod pob plentyn yn gwneud y cynnydd disgwyliedig. Yn reiddiol i’r weledigaeth hon ac i holl waith yr ysgol, byddwn yn cefnogi pob dysgwr i ddatblygu yn unol â Phedwar Diben Cwricwlwm i Gymru.
Ysgol Gymunedol Rhydypennau’s mission is to provide high-quality teaching and learning experiences that will benefit all pupils and enable them to reach their full potential. The Welsh language is central to this vision; therefore, we place an emphasis on developing the language skills of every pupil. In order to achieve this, the school through its daily interactions, focuses on nurturing pupils’ self-confidence which, in turn, enables pupils to grow as confident individuals who are prepared to venture and take risks in their learning.
We believe that an inclusive ethos and providing equal opportunities for all is important. We are passionate about ensuring that every individual feels happy and safe at school, valued, and free from any prejudice. Through our work, we promote 'person-centred' methods which are effective in preparing learners to embrace the challenges of the future and which ensure that the needs and ambitions of each pupil are at the heart of our planning.
As a community school, we provide opportunities for our pupils to make constructive connections with the community, emphasizing the benefits and positive impact of contributing positively to the community life of the area as good and principled citizens. Through our curriculum, Ysgol Rhydypennau will provide coherent learning experiences, with sharp assessment processes in place which ensure that every child makes the expected progress. Integral to this vision and to all the school's work, we will support all learners to develop in accordance with the Four Purposes of the Curriculum for Wales.
Credwn fod ethos cynhwysol a darparu cyfleoedd cyfartal i bawb yn bwysig. Rydym yn angerddol ynglŷn â sicrhau bod pob unigolyn yn teimlo’n hapus a diogel yn yr ysgol, wedi ei werthfawrogi, ac yn rhydd rhag unrhyw ragfarn. Trwy ein gwaith, rydym yn hyrwyddo dulliau ‘person canolog’ sy’n effeithiol wrth baratoi dysgwyr i gofleidio heriau’r dyfodol ac sy’n sicrhau bod anghenion ac uchelgais pob disgybl wrth wraidd ein cynllunio.
Fel ysgol gymunedol, rydym yn darparu cyfleoedd i’r disgyblion wneud cysylltiadau adeiladol â’r gymuned, gan bwysleisio manteision ac effaith cadarnhaol cyfrannu’n bositif i fywyd cymunedol yr ardal fel dinasyddion da ac egwyddorol.
Trwy ein cwricwlwm, bydd Ysgol Rhydypennau yn darparu profiadau dysgu cydlynus, gyda phrosesau asesu miniog ar waith sy’n sicrhau fod pob plentyn yn gwneud y cynnydd disgwyliedig. Yn reiddiol i’r weledigaeth hon ac i holl waith yr ysgol, byddwn yn cefnogi pob dysgwr i ddatblygu yn unol â Phedwar Diben Cwricwlwm i Gymru.
Ysgol Gymunedol Rhydypennau’s mission is to provide high-quality teaching and learning experiences that will benefit all pupils and enable them to reach their full potential. The Welsh language is central to this vision; therefore, we place an emphasis on developing the language skills of every pupil. In order to achieve this, the school through its daily interactions, focuses on nurturing pupils’ self-confidence which, in turn, enables pupils to grow as confident individuals who are prepared to venture and take risks in their learning.
We believe that an inclusive ethos and providing equal opportunities for all is important. We are passionate about ensuring that every individual feels happy and safe at school, valued, and free from any prejudice. Through our work, we promote 'person-centred' methods which are effective in preparing learners to embrace the challenges of the future and which ensure that the needs and ambitions of each pupil are at the heart of our planning.
As a community school, we provide opportunities for our pupils to make constructive connections with the community, emphasizing the benefits and positive impact of contributing positively to the community life of the area as good and principled citizens. Through our curriculum, Ysgol Rhydypennau will provide coherent learning experiences, with sharp assessment processes in place which ensure that every child makes the expected progress. Integral to this vision and to all the school's work, we will support all learners to develop in accordance with the Four Purposes of the Curriculum for Wales.
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